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Here are some links to some useful places on the web. If you know of more, or would like your genealogy page listed here, e-mail me with your name, the url of the web page and a small description of the content of your page. Please note that not all of these links are genealogy related.

Visit The Genealogy Castle
MEMBER of the
Bennett and Related LinesVisit Surname Seventh Heaven. There are alot of links to other pages here.
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Genealogy Search Engine

A genealogy site with lots of interesting information.
If your a WALKER, this is the place to go.
Family Tree Maker

Kranz Genealogy HomepageA good Midwest family with lots of information.
Kindred Konnections

Lineages and Surnames
Over 300 Links with a short description of each site.
Where to Write for Vital Records.