UPDATE: This site is in memory of my mother, Ethel Annamarie GRUNNER-Schneider
January 29, 1943 - September 11, 2007.
Well I've been in Florida for 8 years, then went to Maine for 8 months and moved back to Florida (Harbor Oaks). I'm working as a webmaster now and hopefully when I have time will be able to make this site really jump out at people. I don't have any formal training, but my boss is training me well and he's great. You can email me at: Genealogy Beginnings. Leave me your e-mail address, and I will e-mail you when updates are done. Also check out the page I created for my previous Sunday School Class at First Baptist Church - Ocala, FL.
I've also been using the Ellis Island website and have found additional information on my Maternal Grandfather. For Instance....I grew up believing his name was Louis when in Fact it was Lajos. Lajos was translated to Louis when he came to the United States in 1924. I also found that his sister and mother's name were spelled incorrectly. His sister's name is Teresa, but Ellis Island has it listed as Terej and His mother's name was Mary and they have it as Marie. I have also found another link through Ellis Island. A Ezerbet Furbacher. I believe is is Mary's Sister who was known as Elsie. This has been partially confirmed by looking at the Passenger lists at Ellis Island and by talking to other family members also doing Genealogy Research.
I have additional notes of the following people: Nehemia Abbott, Michael Wigglesworth or Abigail Dane Faulkner.
I hope that this page is helpful to everyone who is reasearching their ancestors. I have found alot of information on the internet. I have really just started searching for my ancestors. I started because I happen to find a lot of documents that my mother had. They were given to her by her mother, who received them from Thurston Ackerman (I believe he is her brother). Some how, my mother ended up with all of the papers and I happen to come across them one day and they just reached out to me. It has been great finding out about some of my ancestors. Who they were, and what they did. I found out that we have 2 accused witches. One was found innocent, and the other was found guilty, but was never hung because she was pregnant. We have an author in the family also, and several reverends.
In my journey to find my ancestors, I have come across a few distant relatives via the internet. They have been a big help in filling some of the holes that I have. Most people searching their families are willing to share information. It has been a real big help on my side.
I have alot of genealogy information on my maternal grandmother's side, but not on my maternal grandfathers side or my paternal grandparents.
Check out the GRUNNER page for more exact information on Louis GRUNNER. Louis married Evelyn ACKERMAN on April 17, 1933.
The links will give you more accurate dates and places.
On my paternal side you can read what I know here on the SCHNEIDER page.
E-mail me at: Genealogy Beginnings and let me know what you think.
Use the The World Pages to search for residential, business or e-mail addresses.
You can even do an international search. This service is great. It's like having the world at your finger tips. Check it out.